Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Happy New Year!!

In a few days the New Year will be upon us.  Folks will be doing some soul searching and making resolutions. It is a good time to let things go, to release what no longer serves OUR Highest and Best.  Sometimes we need to let go of habits, emotions, thought-forms and people.  We need to release so we can accept "new" into our lives. A friend said today that "you can't add to a full cup."  He is so right; we must release or pour out what is not supporting our spiritual path. 

In Charles Fillmore's The Twelve Powers he states "there must be a renunciation or letting go of old thoughts before the new can find place in the consciousness." The letting go can be very difficult for many, but you must
release before you can receive.  Sometimes we feel like we take two steps forward and one step back.  Do not feel alone when this happens; you are never alone.  God is "very near you, in your mouth and in your heart" (Deuteronomy 31:14).  Have faith that all things happen in Divine Order and God is with you.

So sit down and make a list of things you wish to release.  Write denials and affirmations for you to repeat every day.  Pray for release of the old and be open and receptive for the new.  2011 is a New Beginning, full of wonder and excitement. 

Wishing everyone a Joyous, Abundant, and Blessed New Year. 
