Thursday, April 21, 2011

Christ Has Risen!

Christ has Risen!  Those are the words in the Daily Word on Easter Sunday.  For Christians Easter is the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus.  It is the high point of the Lenten season, which began on Ash Wednesday.  For forty-six days we reflected on our lives and released what no longer served.  We let go of beliefs, thoughts, emotions, patterns, and, sometimes, people that were suppressing our spiritual growth. The clutter and trash has been removed.  It is time for our resurrection!

In Webster's Dictionary the definition of resurrection is "a rising from the dead, or coming back to life."  We are coming back to our original state, a "coming back to life."  Like the rebirth of the spring flowers after a long, dark winter, the Christ within us has risen.  The darkness that we had been experiencing has been replaced with the Light of God.  In Charles Fillmore's Keep a True Lent he states that the inner meaning of the resurrection is "the awakening and raising to spiritual consciousness of the I Am in man."

In Romans 6:4 it states "Just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, so we too might walk in newness of life."  A resurrection takes place when "we rise to Jesus' realization of the perpetual indwelling life that is connecting us with God."  (The Revealing Word - Charles Fillmore)

This Easter acknowledge the rising of your own Christ nature and consciously connect with the presence of the indwelling God.  Affirm:  In unity with Christ I realize that I am resurrected into the life, light and power of God.

Happy Easter!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Choose Happiness Each Day

"This is the day which the Lord has made; Let us rejoice and be glad in it."  (Psalm 118:24)

A friend at Unity Fellowship Church in Newport News, VA  says this every time he's Platform Assistant.
It is a wonderful reminder to us that every morning, when we awake, we are given this day to "rejoice and be glad in it."

This verse doesn't  say that we'll be happy when we get new clothing, a new job, a new house, or a new relationship.  This verse doesn't say we'll be happy tomorrow, next week, or next month.  It states
"This is the day."  We were not created to endure each day, we were created to enjoy each day!

In Andy Andrew's book The Traveler's Gifts David Ponder, the traveler, visits Anne Frank.  Her gift for success is "Today I will choose to be happy".  Yes, it is a choice.  No one was put here to make us happy; it is our responsibility, our choice.

We've been bombarded with advertisers showing people are happy when they have a new this or that.  Don't buy into their rhetoric.  Wake up each morning with a grateful heart for all that you have today.

Smile and laugh throughout the day.  All that you meet will sense the joy that you are expressing.  It is very contagious!

Remember that what we are feeling, thinking, and expressing is mirrored in our world.  In Matthew 7:16 Jesus said "Are grapes gathered from thorns, or figs from thistles?  In the same way, every good tree bears good fruit, but the bad trees bear bad fruit?"  When we get the inside right, the outside will reflect the same.

Every morning affirm "I have plenty of reasons to be happy today."  Choose Happiness each day.
