Fall is a beautiful time of the year. The leaves are changing into beautiful reds and yellows, and the cotton blooms are bursting and ready to be harvested.
Some folks may be saddened that the weather is turning colder and we are looking at at barer landscape. But in Exodus 23:16 it states that we should "Celebrate the Festival of Ingathering at the end of the year, when you gather in your crops from the field."
We should celebrate the opportunity to rest after our hard work.
In Exodus the fourth commandment reads "Remember the Sabbath day, and keep it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work. But the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God; you shall not do any work..."
In Webster the word Sabbath means "a time of rest." A Sabbath, then, is a period of cessation from effort in order to rest and relax for the purpose of gathering strength and power for a new period of activity.
In the natural world, the period of rest allows all forces of nature to gather strength for a new burst of activity. In our physical bodies, which are so closely connected to the natural realm, a period of rest enables our cells to store up reserve energy. Mentally, a period of rest becomes a time of peace and quiet, enabling our minds to indulge in reflection on the things of the Spirit. This spiritual infilling is absolutely crucial in all cycles of normal growth of the individual.
In every demonstration, there must be resting periods, times of cessation from outer activity, while one dwells in complete trust on God and on the operation of His absolute laws.
In the New Testament we find many instances showing us how Jesus was consistent with the idea in this commandment in making his great demonstrations. He would go apart to pray, and after such a period of infilling, he would move through a period of intense activity of teaching and healing; then he would go apart to rest while. He would pray, work, rest, then repeat the cycle.
Celebrate this time of rest for we are renewing physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually for our rebirth. As Spring brings us a burst of activity in nature; we, too, will burst forth feeling renewed and rejuvenated so that we may do God's good works.
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